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As of 06:48 AM (update)

Route 92—Sullivan Square Station - Downtown via Main Street

24 min—Sullivan (#y0841) 1.8 miles away
51 min—Sullivan (#y2102) 0.7 miles away

Route 93—Sullivan Square Station - Downtown via Bunker Hill Street

18 min—Sullivan (#y1998) Arriving
36 min—Sullivan via Navy Yard
60 min—Sullivan via Navy Yard (#y1981) Arriving

Route 426—Central Square, Lynn - Haymarket or Wonderland Station

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 428—Oaklandvale - Haymarket Station

There are currently no predictions for this route at this stop.

Route 450—Salem Depot - Wonderland or Haymarket Station

26 min—Salem Depot (#y3311) Arriving

Map view of Congress St @ Haymarket Sta