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As of 08:38 AM (update)
Route 114—Market Basket - Maverick Station
21 min—Mystic Mall (#y3322)
0.4 miles away
Route 116—Wonderland Station - Maverick Station via Revere Street
3 min—Wonderland (#y3324)
21 min—Wonderland (#y3311)
0.9 miles away
39 min—Wonderland (#y1451)
3.5 miles away
Route 117—Wonderland Station - Maverick Station via Beach Street
12 min—Wonderland (#y1412)
0.5 miles away
30 min—Wonderland (#y3352)
3.4 miles away
51 min—Wonderland (#y1435)
3.9 miles away
Route 120—Orient Heights Station - Jeffries Point
12 min—Orient Heights via Wood Island (#y3305)
43 min—Orient Heights via Wood Island (#y3341)
1.2 miles away